It was the first time for Lund Family Center, and I am grateful that they could include us this year.
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John Allen from IBM stands with a "bus" full of Lund Family Center's supplies to deliver. Seth Gallant loads the HowardCenter - Child Youth and Family Services into Deb Sullivan's car.
It's been a rough year economically for just about everybody, and certainly locally for any family involved with IBM. Between the layoffs and the 12-hour shift premium reduction, it's been a hard year for the staff and families there particularly. I was certainly afraid that a backpack and supply drive might not do as well this year.
But my worries were for naught. In the space of 5-6 weeks, IBM Essex gathered over 1500 backpacks, and supplies to go with them all. Perhaps because it has been such a hard year economically these people opened their hearts to others who are not as fortunate as they are.
I'm psyched. Last night it was 70+ pairs of new shoes for the kids for the start of the school year from Maple Tree Place and their shoppers. Today it was school supplies from IBM staff. It's really nice to live in a small town where people still have big hearts and are connected to the whole community and truly care.
And for the kids connected to Lund - I'm most psyched of all. Nothing is more exciting than starting a new school year with new stuff with which to create new memories. Gotta love that!
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